Big Other

Collectif Pierre&Marie


Big Other

Several buildings seem alive with big googly eyes. These personified architectures challenge the viewer and direct their gaze, while giving them the unsettling impression of being watched by a Big Brother-like presence. This ostensibly benign yet oppressive form evokes our ambiguous relationship with social networks in the era of surveillance capitalism. While entertaining content and endless emoji give such digital platforms a veneer of harmlessness, they capture our personal data to feed industries bent on controlling our behaviour.

Year created : 2023

Technical specifications

Materials : Alupanel, sintra, self-adhesive vinyl, UV lamination, polycarbonate, aluminum, LED lighting, painted wood

Number of items : 6 (3 round eyes, 2 oval eyes, 1 light box)

Dimensions : Variable

Weight : 12 lbs (each eye round), 20 lbs (each eye oval), 1445 lbs (light box)

Notes : Can be installed in a variety of locations.


Collectif Pierre&Marie, QUEBEC

Pierre Brassard and Marie-Pier Lebeau Lavoie have worked together in Quebec as Pierre&Marie since 2008. Their work manipulates symbols of popular culture to express benevolent resistance on social issues and has recently been the subject of major solo exhibitions at the Musée Régional de Rimouski and Espace 400e.