The city is a stage set for Mark Jenkin’s hyperrealistic characters, who adopt unusual postures and interact with the built environment in surprising ways. They pop up in the alleyways and hidden nooks and crannies of the urban space, where they are always ready for playful hijinks. Cast at human scale, and dressed in a disarmingly realistic manner, these sculptures fool passersby, who need a double-take to see that they aren’t actually real people in alarming positions.

Year created : 2021

Technical specifications

Materials : Wrapping tape, clothing, wigs, wood, metal, rope, fishing rod, waterproof coating

Number of items : 5

Dimensions : Variable

Weight : 30 lbs (each)

Notes : Can be installed in a wide range of locations.


Mark Jenkins, USA

Originally from Virginia, USA, Mark Jenkins discovered sculptural street art in 2003. He has since taken part in international art events including Interferencia (Barcelona), BELEF (Belgrade), Dublin Contemporary, Living Layers (Rome), and Nuit Blanche (Paris).